Continuing coverage of owner Mustafa Adna’s 90-day challenge to lose weight gained during lockdown. Mustafa joins Livehealthy editor Ann Marie McQueen and Reem Shaheen, psychologist, founder of Dubai’s Be Psychology Center and member of the Livehealthy expert panel.
Livehealthy editor Ann Marie McQueen speaks with Waleed Shah. He’s the photographer who launched the powerful Rock Your Ugly campaign, which changed the way... editor Ann Marie McQueen Zooms with Danae Mercer, a Dubai-based lifestyle and travel journalist, content creator and most recently, a body positivity influencer...
العيش في هذه المنطقة سريعة الخطى، ومع تغير حياتنا بعد جائحة كورونا، يمكن أن يشعر العديد من الشباب والشابات بالإرهاق، وعدم معرفة الاتجاه الذي...