Emma Barber is the managing director of DGrade, a company founded by her husband Chris to design and produce clothing made out of recycled plastic bottles. They have created their own yarn, are working on their own bottle-to-yarn factory and have begun working with other companies to help them recycle plastic too.
Mary–Justine Todd is the founder and executive director of Shamsaha, the first and only 24 hours a day, seven days a week domestic violence...
د. موديا بترجي تتحدث مع ناصر الريامي، معالج التنويم الإيحائي الإماراتي “غير العادي”. تتعمق حلقة اليوم في كيفية استخدام العلاج بالتنويم المغناطيسي/الإيحائي للتغلب على...
Livehealthy editorial director Ann Marie McQueen visits the Cake Boutique at Waldorf Astoria DIFC in Dubai to interview head cake artist Beth Lauren. Beth...