Make this the year you make a new friend (and how ASKWHO can help)

January 04, 2023 00:27:15
Make this the year you make a new friend (and how ASKWHO can help)
The LiveHealthy Podcast
Make this the year you make a new friend (and how ASKWHO can help)

Jan 04 2023 | 00:27:15


Show Notes

Michael Askew and Matthew Gaziano are the co-founders of ASKWHO, a made-in-the-UAE app designed for getting people off their phones and out in the real world. The social media platform they launched in October 2021 now has 130,000 users and is growing 60 percent, month-on-month. Highlights: • How, where and why the app was born • How it works, and why it’s not like Tinder or other social media for friends • The mistakes we make when...

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